Congress – NASA Budget

Space Policy Legislation: Bridenstine pleased by progress on space policy bill

In April, Rep. Jim Bridenstine, of Oklahoma, introduced the American Space Renaissance Act, a sweeping space policy doctrine. So far, Bridenstine is pleased with how the thrust of his legislation has found its way into other legislative bills influencing the direction and financing of military as well as civilian space objectives. One theme urges the federal government to look to commercial space enterprises for services once provided by civil servants.

Citizens for Space Exploration – a pro-space, taxpayer, grassroots advocacy group Citizens Space Explorateion_logo( – has traveled to Washington, D.C. the past 24 years to meet face-to-face with Members/staff of Congress to discuss the value of America’s investment in space exploration. In order to sustain that dialogue on a regular basis, Citizens distributes “Space Exploration Update” to Congressional offices on a weekly basis. The intent is to provide an easy, quick way to stay abreast of key human space exploration program and policy developments.