Executive Branch

Human Space Exploration Update (July 10-28, 2017)

Space Council:  Space groups hailing appointment of Scott Pace as National Space Council executive  Exploration advocates back the Trump Administration’s choice of Scott Pace to lead the recently re-established White House National Space Council. The Coalition for Deep Space Exploration and Commercial Spaceflight Federation are among those applauding the choice. Pace, a former NASA official, leads the George Washington University Space Policy Institute.  (See also:  White House not expected to rush development of new space policy)

Citizens for Space Exploration – a pro-space, taxpayer, grassroots advocacy group Citizens Space Explorateion_logo(http://www.bayareahouston.com/content/c_s_e/c_s_e) – has traveled to Washington, D.C. the past 24 years to meet face-to-face with Members/staff of Congress to discuss the value of America’s investment in space exploration. In order to sustain that dialogue on a regular basis, Citizens distributes “Space Exploration Update” to Congressional offices on a weekly basis. The intent is to provide an easy, quick way to stay abreast of key human space exploration program and policy developments.