Governmental Affairs Update – June 2016
Marcia Gaedcke reported to the committee about her Citizen’s for Space trip. She and our Chairman, Carla McCrea attended. She stated that this was the smallest group of travelers but they were able to make the most visits to our Representatives and Senators. Over the 2-day period. Their mission was to seek support for growth of space exploration funding. Most seemed receptive and knowledgeable of the importance of commercial space exploration. We also received the list of candidates for the November election. Candidates have until Friday, June 24th to qualify. We will send them information about our Pre-Primary Meet and Greet to be held at the Searstown Mall on August 2nd as soon as possible. A press release will follow inviting the public to the event. The chamber is also helping to promote the Tiger Bay Hob Nob on July 12th at cruise terminal one at Port Canaveral. Our Legislative Breakfast in May replaced our May meeting. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be July 21st here at the chamber at 8 am.