Chamber Updates

Titusville Talking Points – July 2019

The Titusville Talking Points is published quarterly by the City of Titusville to inform its residents of improvements taking place around town.  It features a list of newly established businesses, current and forthcoming construction projects and city government news. In the July 2019 issue, highlights include:   American Police Hall of Fame & Museum Titusville… [Continue Reading]

Education Committee Update – April 2019

The final Education Committee meeting of the 2018-2019 school year will take place on May 10, 2019, 9:00 am in the Chamber Boardroom. The next meeting will take place on August 9, 2019. [gview file=””]

Titusville Chamber Announces the 2018-19 Outstanding Young Adult Scholarship Winner

Déja Robinson, a senior at Titusville High School, has been chosen to receive the $1000.00 Outstanding Young Adults Scholarship for the 2018-2019 school year. Déja was chosen from among 17 qualifying North Brevard seniors, each of whom received a certificate of recognition for their academic performance and in the community. In addition to excelling in… [Continue Reading]

North Brevard Business Review (Spring 2019)

The North Brevard Business Review is published quarterly by the North Brevard Economic Development Zone (NBEDZ), and details developments occurring in the local economy of the City of Titusville and the surrounding communities in north Brevard County, Florida. The Zone is a special dependent district under Florida law that seeks to provide financial and technical… [Continue Reading]

Membership Development Update – March 2019

[gview file=””] We are always actively seeking new members of the Membership Development Committee, and we welcome anyone interested in promoting their organization and becoming more active in the Chamber. If you would like to volunteer your time and talent to this committee, please contact Carol Fondo at or plan to attend our next… [Continue Reading]

Membership Development Update – February 2019

[gview file=””] We are always actively seeking new members of the Membership Development Committee, and we welcome anyone interested in promoting their organization and becoming more active in the Chamber. If you would like to volunteer your time and talent to this committee, please contact Carol Fondo at or plan to attend our next… [Continue Reading]

Governmental Affairs Update – November 2018

[gview file=””] The committee will next meet on Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 8:00 a.m. at the Titusville Chamber.  There is no additional fee for members to join.  Contact Marcia Gaedcke for additional information at

Better Business Council Update – April 2019

The Better Business Council, chaired by Danny Treder of Treder Realty, did not receive any new cases to be reviewed by the Council. Therefore, the BBC did not hold a April meeting. This committee continues to provide a valuable service to the citizens of North Brevard with its Fair Practice Complaint Resolution process and advice… [Continue Reading]