Membership Development Update – January 2015
On behalf of the Chamber, we want to thank our Ambassadors for their countless hours of volunteering at Chamber events and ribbon cuttings during 2014! We also want to thank our Co-Chairman Steve Duba of Life Leadership and the late Mike Zimmardi of Space Coast Travel for taking the lead earlier this year and running many of the Chamber’s Business Connection meetings. And we don’t want to forget all of our Ambassadors of the Month. We thank each and every one of you and look forward to 2015.
The Ambassador Committee will continue meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of every month from 8:30am – 9:30am at the Chamber. Our first meeting of 2015 will be January 13th. This meeting is open to all Chamber members.
We will also be bringing back in 2015, an evening Ambassador mixer/networking event targeted for an hour on the 4th Friday of every month at a local Titusville venue. We will be putting the final touches on this event at our January 13th meeting. Again, this event will be open to all Chamber members.
Our Chamber Ambassadors are an integral part of the Chamber make-up. They mentor and introduce new Chamber Members to key contacts. They also provide volunteer support at ribbon cuttings and Chamber events. A terrific benefit is the opportunity for Ambassadors to promote and speak about their own organizations in the process. If you would like to volunteer your time and talent to this committee, please contact Dennis Watkins at or attend our next meeting.