Titusville Area Visitors Council Update – February 2018

The TAVC met on February 15, 2018.

The committee discussed the following:

  1. We continue to research trade shows that members can attend.  Trade shows are a great venue for extending the Titusville name to the cruising, travel and adventure industry.
  2. We are working on generating ideas and authors for our new Stories & Adventures blog.  The second edition has been release and can be found at http://titusville.org/category/stories-and-adventures.
  3. We have sent more Welcome Center rack cards and Titusville brochure to Visit Florida welcome centers.
  4. Finally, the committee will begin work on a third tear-off map featuring Launch Viewing Sites. Especially after the recent Falcon Heavy launch, this will be most helpful for anyone coming to Titusville to watch a launch.

Join us for the next meeting on March 15th at 2:00pm at the Titusville Area Chamber of Commerce.