Launches – They’re Happening!


Where to see them and best times to go.

LaunchYou’re sitting on the bank of the Indian River Lagoon in Titusville, it’s 11 in the evening, the moon and stars as far as the eye can see. You look across the lagoon as you start to hear 3 – 2 – 1, liftoff and you see the entire sky glow and the crowd start cheering, but wait… there’s more! Just as the bright light gets almost out of sight, you see three small lights heading back to Earth. They get closer and closer to the ground and BOOM BOOM, the rattle of the landing! A successful launch and the crowd goes WILD! Experience all of this and more when you watch a launch from Titusville.

Launch ViewersOn board yet? Good! However, you probably need some tips from the locals. Here is just a few:

  • Stay Hydrated!
  • Bring Sunscreen and/or Bug spray
  • Launch days have heavy traffic — Plan Accordingly
  • Be Prepared for weather changes
  • Launch days are subject to change — Check for updates
  • Be aware of your surroundings
  • Use crosswalks to cross intersections when possible
  • Wear bright colors during night launches to be seen
  • Protect your feet whether on land or dipping your toes in the water

lfhNext, you probably want to know, where do I go? We have so many options! They can all be seen on our EPIC Launch Viewing Sites Map! However, here is a few of our favorites:

  1. Max Brewer Bridge – If you park at Sand Point Park and then walk to the top of the Max Brewer Bridge, you get an elevated view of the launch.
  2. Downtown Titusville – As we said, launch days mean heavy traffic, so getting here early is smart! Stop in Downtown Titusville to grab a bite, go shopping, check out some historical sites, all just steps away from the lagoon to watch the launch.
  3. Playalinda Beach – If it is a daytime launch, an awesome spot is Playalinda Beach! What better way to watch a launch then your toes in the sand?

Pier 220

BONUS: Not even on our map currently, since it is a newer restaurant, is Pier 220! Located right underneath the Max Brewer Bridge, is a great place for drinks, food, fun and launches.

The last thing you need to do is make sure you have all the tools to see launch updates. Downloading the Launch Console App is just the ticket. This app tells you so much information, has a countdown and a compass to show you exactly where the rocket is launching from. Like we always say, life is better when you #LaunchFromHere!