Better Business Council (BBC)

Chair: Danny Treder

Chamber Liaison: Carol Fondo

Meetings: Second Thursday of each month – 8:30 a.m.

Our Mission

The Better Business Council (BBC) provides a valuable service to the citizens of North Brevard with its Fair Practice Complaint Resolution process and advice to potential consumers seeking referrals for local businesses’ products and services. The BBC also strives to build public confidence in local businesses by promoting honest and ethical business practices.

Our BBC Members

Are you ready to take your business to the next level of ethical integrity? Advertise your decision with the BBC logo on your front door, on your letterhead, and in your social media platform. Be a proud member of the BBC telling everyone that you have made a higher commitment to your customers.

Only members of the Titusville Chamber of Commerce that agree to follow the BBC “Code of Ethics” will be allowed to join the BBC. The annual Membership investment in the BBC is only $110.

For more information about this committee, please contact Carol Fondo at

BBC Members