National Trails Day is June 3

National Trails Day

May 30, 2023 – You probably know that Titusville is a designated trail town, so it’s an obvious choice to celebrate National Trails Day®. The American Hiking Society has put together a bunch of tips to get you on the road to fun and you can read the full article here, but we pulled out a few suggestions to speed things up.

Take the Pledge to leave the trails and the outdoor community better than you found them. Or as Keep Brevard Beautiful would say, “Pack it up, pack it out.”

Sign up for a trail service project at American Hiking Volunteer Vacation and spend some of your free time sprucing up the spruces (or pines, or whatever.)

Speak up for the trails. Write your congressman or congresswoman and tell them to support trails, public lands and inclusive access for all.

Dress for the part:

  • Sun protective shirt
  • Sun protective hat
  • Rain Jacket
  • Shoes with plenty of support

Source: American Hiking Society