Education Committee

Education Committee Update – May 2018

Outstanding Young Adults (OYA) applications will be sent to high schools this month. The Chamber will choose six students from North Brevard high schools – Astronaut, Space Coast and Titusville – as the eighteen finalists for the year. They will be honored at the Chamber luncheons throughout the year and will submit an essay to… [Continue Reading]

Education Committee Update – April 2018

This year’s College Night will take place on September 24th, 5pm-7pm at Titusville Mall. The event is open to all students. In addition to high schoolers in North Brevard, we will reach out to middle schools, private and home-schools throughout North and Central Brevard. Bailey Ferguson of Astronaut High School is the 2017-18 Outstanding Young… [Continue Reading]

Titusville Chamber Announces the 2017-18 Outstanding Young Adult Scholarship Winner

Bailey Ferguson, a senior at Astronaut High School, has been chosen to receive the $1000.00 Outstanding Young Adults Scholarship for the 2017-2018 school year. Bailey was chosen from among 18 qualifying North Brevard seniors, each of whom received a certificate of recognition for their performance academically and in the community.  In addition to earning excellent grades, Bailey… [Continue Reading]

Titusville Chamber Celebrates Partnerships between North Brevard Schools and the Business Community

The Titusville Area Chamber of Commerce held its annual celebration of Partners in the Business of Education (PITBOE) on Wednesday, February 14, 2018 at Indian River Preserve Golf Club.  The luncheon was sponsored by AT&T, Brevard Public Schools and Community Credit Union. The Partners in the Business of Education (PITBOE) award is coordinated by the Titusville… [Continue Reading]

Education Committee Update – February 2018

At the February 9, 2018 meeting, the Education Committee discussed: The February 14th Partners in the Business of Education awards ceremony.  Businesses nominated by North Brevard schools for their contributions during the school year received a certificate of appreciation and were congratulated by Chamber Board Chairman Robert Jordan and Brevard Public Schools Deputy Superintendent Mark… [Continue Reading]

Titusville Chamber Honors the 2018-2019 Outstanding Young Adults

The Outstanding Young Adult (OYA) program is sponsored by Community Credit Union and Jess Parrish Medical Foundation.  It seeks to celebrate North Brevard seniors who excel in academics, extracurricular activities and community service.  Each year seniors from each Titusville area high school are awarded a certificate of accomplishment.  The students then compete in an essay… [Continue Reading]

Titusville Chamber Announces the 2016-17 Outstanding Young Adult Scholarship Winner

Alexis Armstrong, a senior at Space Coast Jr./Sr. High School has been chosen to receive the $1000.00 Outstanding Young Adult Scholarship for the 2016-2017 school year. Alexis was chosen from among 18 qualifying North Brevard seniors, each of whom received a certificate of recognition for their performance academically and in the community.  The scholarship will be awarded… [Continue Reading]

Education Committee Update – April 2017

The 2017 Outstanding Young Adult scholarship award went to Alexis Armstrong.  Alexis attends Space Coast Jr/Sr High School and competed with 17 other students to win the $1000.00 award. The scholarship is sponsored by Community Credit Union and Jess Parrish Medical Foundation. Congratulations to Alexis! The Education Committee has selected October 3, 2017 to hold… [Continue Reading]

Education Committee Update – October 2016

The committee learned that Congressman Posey will be sending congratulatory letters to the Outstanding Young Adults each month along with the plaques they receive from the Chamber. College Night exceeded all expectations! There were 50 colleges and universities in attendance and approximately 350-400 students came to consider which school would be best for them. We… [Continue Reading]